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Writer's picturePam Buchholz

Pam's Daily Wave...

Good Morning and Welcome to Friday from my Atlantic Life in Hatteras 😊

It was a cloudy start to the day when I walked to the beach earlier....mother nature is in preparation for a stormy Saturday here in Hatteras. The rollercoaster weather continues - Will it be a fleecy jacket and Uggs, or a shorts, T-shirt and Olukai's day?

Regardless of the weather though, my early morning intention is always to find beauty in that day. This morning, I didn't have to look far - as I walked over the dunes boardwalk, my first sight was three pelicans skimming the waves, and several of my dolphins gliding through the unexpected and beautiful start to my day. I'm sorry I didn't capture this scene for you, but I was transfixed for a few moments just watching in awe.

I decided I would try to follow my dolphins, which took me in the opposite direction from my regular walk (away from the sunrise). So, I set off at a brisk walk, managing to keep up with them for a mile or so, before they picked up some speed and I lost them. It was so easy to lose track of everything during that time, I was completely wrapped up in my "Atlantic" world, with only the sound of the mighty crashing waves breaching the silence.

I got to thinking (yes, my crazy, little lady brain was at it again 😄), how much easier it is to deal with stress, when you can "lose" yourself in nature, for a little while. We are deeply connected to our natural world..... being outdoors, spurs the production of endorphins, which are your brains "feel-good" transmitters (chocolate also has this effect - which is my excuse for loving chocolate!!). This is why we feel calmer, clear headed and more positive when we immerse ourselves in nature.....and this can happen even if you only manage to spend a short time outside. The incredible beauty of our natural world is that we can all find a space where we can "be" with nature. Regardless of where I've lived and worked (which hasn't always been near a beach 😉), I've always managed to find nature.....even in the busiest of cities, you just have to look.

If you're feeling stressed or your worries are clouding your days, why not start your morning with the intention to find a space in nature, where you can boost those wonderful little endorphins in your brain.

What your happy brain looks like 😊

I love the sentiments in the poem below.....nature helping us with our worries, what a beautiful thought...

4am by Becky Hemsley

Met with 4am last night

she said to say hello

and she said she's seen a lot of you

since several weeks ago

She said she hears your worries

when you're lying there awake

but she'd rather watch you sleeping

with a smile upon your face

So she's gathered up your worries

and she feeds them to the stars

and they swallow them with fire

'til they're left with only half

Then they whisper to the sun

as she begins her morning climb

and the sunshine takes your worries

and accepts them every time

She chops them into pieces

'til she's left with merely grains

then she throws them to the clouds

so they can gently fall as rain

And the sunlight then transforms

your drops of worry into hope

so that rainbow that you see?

that's 4am saying Hello

Until Next Time...

Take care, Stay Safe and....Why not find a space to relax, in the company of Your natural world 🥰

Love and Hugs,


PS Please keep the incredible people of the Ukraine, in your thoughts and prayers......I certainly am 🙏💗

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Jan Burris
Jan Burris
Mar 11, 2022

Just perfect, poem, your pics, your words. Thank you.

jan burris


Debi Damas
Debi Damas
Mar 11, 2022

Love the poem. I agree with you. Being outside, in as much nature as one can be in at that particular time is very relaxing. Wish I had the time to do more of it. I am doing the best I can for now, but someday.....

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