Good Morning and Welcome to Tuesday from my Atlantic Life in Hatteras 😊
This morning was a bit of a cloudy start to the morning, although as I write this, the sun is shining brightly. I do love that no matter what the weather, two things are for certain on my sunrise walk.....each sunrise is completely unique, and every one is absolutely beautiful 💗
It was high tide as I walked along the shoreline, and as I looked out over the beach, I began to watch the water that was pooling in the sand. It was so calm, like shimmering glass....yet just beyond, the waves were crashing, the contrast was pretty stark. I began to think that I'd like to be calm like the pool....even when it feels like things are a little more tumultuous around me. With a calmer mind, our problems can look a little less daunting, we are able to put things into perspective, and deal more easily with them. For me, just watching the pooling water against the backdrop of the crashing ocean waves was incredibly calming......but (yes, hear it comes, there's always a "but"!), usually when we need to be at our calmest, there is no beach in sight - for me, when I'm in the midst of a stressful situation I'm probably way too busy to escape to the beach. That's when being able to use "mindfulness" is a wonderful tool to help us reach that calm state we need to achieve.
Mindfulness definition: A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations without interpretation or judgement
The concept of "mindfulness" is one that has been around for some time and most people have heard about, but not everyone knows how to attain the state of being mindful. Many of the things I've written about in previous blogs, will help you to achieve mindfulness. I thought it would be useful to list a few of them as a reminder.
Mindful breathing - simply means focusing your thoughts on the breath coming in and leaving your body
Engage your five senses - concentrate your thoughts on each of your senses, sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. For example: when eating or drinking, focus on the textures, flavors, scents and sensations that come with each mouthful
Practice "active listening" with the people you engage with in your day - listen more carefully, talk less, be attentive
Intention Setting - This allows you to reflect on your day-to-day life and create positive new habits that you want to include in your life. You can read more by clicking below:
Gratitude List - A list of all the wonderful things that you have in your life....and when you spend time thinking about all the things that you are thankful for - you may surprise yourself at how long that list becomes. You can read more by clicking below:
Write in a Journal - If you've read my blogs in the past, you'll know how important I think journaling is. You can read more about my passion for journaling by clicking below:
Now, I'm off to prepare for this weekend's women's retreat here at The Atlantic Inn, so I will leave you with some pics from my beach stroll this morning 💗
The deer decided to join me to watch the sunrise 🥰
Until Next Time...
Take care, Stay Safe and....the next time you feel stressed...take a breath and think of the wonderful things you have in your life!
Love and Hugs,
PS. I'm continuing to keep the incredibly brave people of Ukraine in my thoughts and prayers
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Wonderful! What a great weekend in store for your Guests. Please send pics so we can be there too. Thank you.
jan burris
Thank you for the reminders!!