Good Morning and Welcome to a Wonderful New Week from my Atlantic Life in Hatteras 😊
I thought it would be a great way to begin the week with an incredible sunrise.....a welcome sight after the winter storms over the past week!
My Hatteras Morning...
This morning, my very first sight of the beach elicited a little gasp from me, as, to my delight, in the predawn glow, there were my dolphins.... swimming along the shoreline 💗
It was still too dark to get a decent photograph, so apologies, I didn't get any good pics to share. Now, most people that know me, are aware of my fascination with these intelligent and beautiful creatures. I'm super lucky that I quite often have the incredible experience of seeing my dolphins swimming along, not far from the beach, or playing in the surf (which is one of the absolute best thing to watch!!).
But, more often than not though, my dolphins aren't visible.....Does it mean they are not there??? That they have disappeared, never to be seen again?
No - they may just be "hidden from view".....and I confidently know, that they are still swimming in my Atlantic, just hidden from my view!
My elusive dolphins got me to thinking......(yes, I know, that thinking thing I do, again 😁), about the number of people, and things that make us happy, inspire us, help and support us, that may not be obvious....they are "hidden" from view - but are most definitely there for us and others around us.
"Hidden from view", "flying below the radar", "swimming below the surface"
Unlike things that are "hidden in plain sight", which are things that are actually visible, but we aren't expecting to see, we may not be paying attention or looking closely enough, have blinders on, or choose to ignore. I wrote about this in a previous post:
Often things that are "hidden from view" are people or things, that we know are there - we have faith in them, we trust them.... and know that although we cannot necessarily see them, they are still there guiding, supporting, inspiring, making us smile, keeping our head above the water, sometimes clearing up messes that we inadvertently leave behind us....often serving as a "safety net" or "guardian angels" for us. Without them, our lives would be that little bit tougher, that bit duller, possibly a little bleaker.
I thought I would spend some time this week, thinking about the people, and things that may be hidden from my view, but I know are there for me - that make my life brighter, more comfortable, easier.....and, if I can, and it's appropriate, acknowledge them.
What about you? Do you have people, and/or things that you know are there for you, but aren't necessarily visible?
Have a wonderful week 🥰
Until Next Time....
Take care, Stay safe and.....please remember those unseen heroes in your life💗
Love and Hugs,
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