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Writer's picturePam Buchholz

Pam's Daily Wave...

Good Morning and Welcome to a rather chilly Friday from my Atlantic Life 😊

So, while the icy winds howl outside, I'm writing by firelight, snuggled in my soft, cozy blanket, drinking my mug of coffee, and counting my blessings for being warm and dry. I do think it's super important to recognize that not everyone is as fortunate as I am. If you have a few minutes, you may want to read an earlier blog I posted about a homeless man I befriended:

Many, many years ago (gosh am I really that old???), I remember walking along the beach of my hometown in January, and noticing that ice had formed along the water's edge. I remember thinking that my understanding was, that salt melted fact that was one of the main constituents of the "grit" that would be put on the roads in icy weather, to keep the ice-free. So how could the salty water freeze? I pondered on this until I got back home and got my encyclopedia out (I told you I was old 😉....and have always loved books!) and began reading about the process of freezing, and how we have large parts of our oceans frozen - most well-known being the Arctic Ocean......It was then that I realized that with certain "conditions" anything is this instance, if it was cold enough, the ocean can freeze.

Frozen Scotland...🥶

Arctic Ice

From that point onwards, I always thought that all things are possible under the right and often very specific condition, the most unlikely of things can happen.

Now, in the example of my frozen Scottish shoreline, it was Mother Nature that provided the specific conditions…. and, just like the Aurora Borealis (aka The Northern Lights), sunrises and sunsets - we (the human race) have no power over such a spectacular and magical beauty ....we are merely very lucky spectators.

The Aurora Borealis

My Hatteras Sun.....

But there are instances every minute of every day, that we have choices on the "conditions" we create, that are most definitely in our sphere of control. Take for example your interaction with the person working at the checkout in a store where you do your grocery shopping

Scenario 1 – Transaction

You get in line, take out your phone and start looking a your e-mail, Facebook, Twitter…whatever, On approaching the checkout you make no eye contact with the cashier, little to no words are spoken, you stand in silence, whilst they work to scan/input prices, often packing your bags at the same time (I still can’t get used to having my bags packed for me – back in the UK, you pack your own bags, which I have no problem doing….in fact, I often feel lazy and a little awkward having my bags packed for me😊 ).

The cashier tells you the total cost, and you pay (whilst probably still on your phone!!!). You load your bags into your cart, and may mutter a cursory "thanks!".

Scenario 2 – Connection

You say "Hi" to the cashier – please remember, you have no idea how this person may be feeling, Tired.. Worried... Happy... Sad... Over-worked... Bored..., but regardless of their demeanor a simple “Hello” can make a difference. You offer to help pack your own bags…. and also remember, you may be bored or in a hurry, but you only have to go through this process once today (unless you’re like me, and you forget stuff, then it may be twice or more!!!), but the cashier may be doing the same activity for hours.

Now, I know that is when some of you will be saying – yeah, but they were just plain grumpy or nasty…. just think for a moment - you most likely know nothing about what type of day/month/year/life that person is having, don’t fall into the trap of “mirroring” negative behavior.

Always thank them for their help, and if appropriate, wish them a blessed or good day. So, maybe your engagement may be ignored, but I would hazard a guess that the majority of people will appreciate your kindness and connection.

If we all just made a concerted effort to be kind and yes…. thoughtful of others, to "Connect" as opposed to "Transact", we could create the “conditions” for a better engagement and who knows…. you may be the first person to show kindness that day, and You - just made it a little brighter 😊

I realize that some may think I can be a little too “idealistic” sometimes, but I don’t think so. It’s my believe that we have way more control over our lives, and others’ lives, than we know (or maybe want to know).

What about You? Is your day full of "Transactions" or "Connections"?

Until Next Time...

Take care, Stay safe and.....why not make some "Connections" today

Love and Hugs,


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