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"Transitions...from Crossroads to Adventure"
 -Start Designing A Life You'll Love to Live
Fall 2023 Dates to be announced soon
The Atlantic Inn, Hatteras

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Sometimes in the waves of change...                       We find our true direction                                                      (Unknown)

Each new Adventure is prompted by a change...
A change of mind, a change of circumstances or a change of heart

Change can happen at any time, sometimes planned - often unexpected, but one thing's for sure, at some point we all have to deal with it. 


There are so many changes that can affect the way we live our everyday lives:


Career - Promotion, Sidelined, Retirement, Laid off, Toxic work environment, Burn-out, Too much stress, Loss of interest in current job

Relationships - Marriage, Divorce/Separation, Friendships ends, Loss/Bereavement, Children grow up and leave home

I could go on...

Geographical Location, Health, Emotions, Finances....and for each one, there is a whole new subgroup....but I think you get the point - Changes Happen

So What's Next?

Panic? Hide? Wait? Procrastinate? Ruminate? Play the Blame Game?


Start Creating A Life You'll Love to Wake Up To!

Why not disconnect from your busy world for a few days, on the beautiful island of Hatteras. Find the time here at your Atlantic Retreat, to discover how to find your true direction -:

Where to to clear the path, rediscover and reconnect to the real you, how to find the passion, talent and inspiration that lies within you - to help define what Your dream life could look like. 


How to Make it Happen....So now you know what you want - let's look at the steps you need to take, to ensure your best possible chance of success   





Your Atlantic Retreat begins the moment you cross the awe-inspiring Marc Basnight Bridge, over the Oregon Inlet. Breaking away from the role you play in your daily life - Employee, employer, boss, parent, spouse, partner, caregiver, colleague, friend... 


...the next few days are going to be "Your Time" - Your Relaxation, Your Inspiration, Your Dreams and Aspirations.







As you wind down this incredible ribbon of sand, with the beautiful waters of the Pamlico Sound on one side and the incredible Atlantic Ocean on the'll feel your shoulders begin to relax, your head begin to clear, and new adventures start to seem possible.                      













On arrival, I'll give you a tour of our century-old Atlantic Inn, so you may familiarize yourself with the different gathering spaces and also, the intimate, cozy spaces you can find, when you prefer some alone time. I'll then show you to your room/suite, where you can unpack, unwind, and settle in. If you arrive earlier, you may want to take a stroll along the beach, which is only 5 mins walk from the inn. 









Around 6pm, we'll begin gathering in the main lounge for "Welcome to My Atlantic" drinks and nibbles.  As a classic introvert, I know how difficult it can be to walk into a room with people you have never met before - you feel nervous and often intimidated - I can promise you this will be different, and you'll quickly feel like you belong with this group of awesome women.


Dinner will be a casual feast, where we can all eat some great food, enjoy a glass of wine, and get to know each other, (and please don't worry, there will be "no stand up, introduce yourself, and tell us all about your life"!!!), on the contrary, I hope to create an atmosphere of ambience and trust, where women can just be their authentic selves, and enjoy each others' company. No pressure to speak, no judgement, no preconceptions, all that is asked of you is, just a willingness to be Yourself.

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Beyond right and wrong, there is a place...

....I'll meet you there

                                                  (Adapted from writings of Rumi (1207-1273)


Over the next 3 days, we are going to learn to let go of the past, live in the present and plan for our future....A Life You'll love to Live  

Through some insightful (and some fun 😉) exercises, we will learn to relax and become more present in our own world. We'll discover much more about ourselves - our personality traits, what drives us, what's truly important to us and why, and begin the journey to find our own true direction. 

We'll have fun....we'll laugh out loud, and I'm quite sure they may be a couple of tears shed along the way.... but it will all be within an atmosphere of friendship and trust.


With your new-found wisdom (and some awesome new friends), you will be much better equipped to set the foundations of a wonderful new chapter in your life....To Live A Life You Love 💗

Activities will include:

  • Early Morning Yoga/Walk on the Beach/Journaling

  • An Introduction to Atlantic Mindfulness 

  • "Packing Those Bags....and Throwing Away the Key!"

  • "Discover what you really, really want" (thanks to the Spice Girls for inspiration 😊 

  • What exactly is a Mindmap? and how do I use them?

  •  How to approach the dreaded "P-word" (Plan)

         - Aims, Goals and Strategies Made Easy 

  • Adopting an Agile Philosophy to Life Plans

  • Evening - "Vino Inspira Partum" - wine inspired creations (sip and paint)

Optional Extras Available (at Additional charge):

Massage Treatment


Additional Days on "Atlantic Time" (discounted room rates)

Retreat Package includes:

3 nights/4 days Accommodation at The Atlantic Inn, in Hatteras

(Rooms & Suites Available)

"Welcome to the Atlantic" gift bag

All meals, snacks, drinks

All Workshops/Classes

"Vino Inspiro Partum" evening

Each of the Atlantic's suites and rooms have their own unique and individual style, decor, and character, designed with your comfort in mind. As we are an historical building, the layout of rooms and suites vary, but all are equipped with wall mounted flat-screen TVs, Wifi, Keurig coffee maker and fridge for your convenience. Each room/suite has a private bathroom. For details of each specific room, you can click on:


Not Included:

Travel to and from Hatteras, North Carolina

Trip Insurance

Optional Extras

Retreat Cost from $775 (sharing 2 bed suite)

Single Occupancy from $950

Registration Process
Register for Reservation Information for Transitions...from Crossroads to Adventures Retreat
Congrats and welcome to the start of your new adventure...
See you soon 😊
Registration Process:
  • Complete Registration Form
  • Retreat Information package will be sent to your email 
  • Complete and return Reservation Form  (This includes your room/suite choice/T-shirt Size/ any dietary requirements etc.)
  • Payment of Deposit  (30% of total cost)
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